26 research outputs found

    Resource Prediction for Admission Control of Interactive Multimedia

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    Interactive multimedia sessions have uncertain, varying consumption rates due to users' interactive behavior. In this paper, we propose two approaches for prediction of consumption rates required for admission control. They differ in the assumptions of the available knowledge: The observation-based approach predicts the future consumption from the past system behavior. The stochastical approach requires a user behavior model from which the prediction is deduced. We discuss the pros and cons of the two approaches with respect to available information sources, accuracy of prediction, and suitable scenarios

    Admission Control for Multimedia Applications in Client-Pull Architectures

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    Admission control mechanisms for time-critical requests in server-push architectures are only suitable if the required data rate is nearly constant for the duration of the service because resource reservation for applications with varying data requirements is not economic. Client-pull models are more appropriate to serve these kinds of applications. At the current state, there are no suitable mechanisms to support admission control for requests in client-pull architectures at the server. In this paper, some admission control policies are introduced, that are either based on specified server resources or that use adaptive admission control. Their goal is to improve the server utilization and the quality of service. 1 Motivation Distributed multimedia applications require the continuous data flow from the server to a client to avoid "glitches" at the presentation. In distributed applications clients compete for limited resources on the server. One way to manage the client requests is t..

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    The “Arbeitspapiere der GMD – GMD Technical Reports ” primarily comprise preliminary publications, specific partial results and complementary material. In the interest of a subsequent final publication the “Arbeitspapiere/Technical Reports ” should not be copied. Critical comments would be appreciated by the authors. No part of this publication may be reproduced or further processed in any form or by an